Sunday 19 February 2012

Singapore - 19 Feb

A visit to Singapore’s Botanic Garden took up most of the day and we may have seen about one-third of it at most.  I was beginning to think that shopping and entertainment were the only things to do, but wow, the garden was outstanding and free.  Spanning a massive 183 acres, we were unable to soak in all the beauty and in Greg’s case, all the smells.  We focussed our time on the ginger garden, rainforest, and National Orchid garden (which is the only one requiring a modest $5 fee).  Most of our time was dedicated to the orchid garden, being my all-time favourite flower, and choice of wedding bouquet.  Greg was a sport waiting incessantly for me in the cooling centres when he had his fill.

Throughout the world, there are over 700 types of orchids, more than 25,000 orchid species and more than 100,000 hybrids.  So when I tell you that I photographed at least 300 orchids, please don’t think me mad.  It’s only a drop in the bucket on the world scale.  Orchid hybrids are created here with many being dedicated to visiting dignitaries and celebrities and I’ve featured the ones dedicated to former Canadian Prime Minister - Jean Cretien, former South African President - Nelson Mandela, and the late Princess Diana.  This venture took up our entire day and we barely got back to the hotel in time for afternoon tea.

I took an interesting picture of Greg in front of a statue called the “Passing of Knowledge”… Knowledge,  like water, is vital to life.  In this work and continuous stream of water connects the two figures.  The water is symbolic to the passing of knowledge from generation to generation.  This embodies the Rotarians’ hope that values cultivated by the 4-Way Test will continue to be a guiding principle in human relations for our future generations.  The 4-Way Test:  Of the things we think, say or do;
1.       Is it the TRUTH?
2.       Is it FAIR to ALL CONCERNED?
3.       Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIP?
4.       Will it be BENEFICIAL to ALL CONCERNED?

We did enjoy the rooftop pool which was very refreshing and that’s unusual around these parts.  Normally the pools are not terribly refreshing, just warm.  Afterwards we enjoyed another delicious dinner at the hotel.

And lucky us, we had a Skype visit with Aidan and Drew before retiring (plus a sniffle-fighting Andrea in the background).  He was enjoying the annoying little Valentine’s card we got him that plays “Who let the dogs out” when opened.

 Hybrid dedicated to former Canadian Prime Minister - Jean Cretien
 Hybrid dedicated to former South African President - Nelson Mandela
 Hybrid dedicated to the late Princess Diana
 Hybrid dedicated to the late Princess Diana

 this orchid traps and digests insects

 this orchid traps and digests insects
 Greg in front of a statue called the “Passing of Knowledge”

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